Welcome to the kleine viking

This is the blog where you will find pictures of us Lukas Bakker and Marius Bakker. Enjoy it all.

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Hilsen Elin, Lukas en Job

vrijdag 28 maart 2008

Singing best medicine

Handy these books and CD's (thanks oma)
Ohh my dad can sing !!!

Totally out of order

dinsdag 25 maart 2008

Day after easter and weather report

We just received a picture with Nijntje with the question: "Who's next?"
Well as you see its LukasChillin in my chair

Funny all those people want to take pictures

Still there
Easter snow and with low water

Just a little white
Big boat or lots of snow?

zondag 23 maart 2008


The weather is not nice enough to make some nice pictures from the nature. Tomorrow I will go outside and shoot some pictures so that you understand why.

Thanks mom's

Listing to a joke that daddy telling

Ha ha

Nice hat

Small guy in a big bed, great to see