Welcome to the kleine viking

This is the blog where you will find pictures of us Lukas Bakker and Marius Bakker. Enjoy it all.

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Hilsen Elin, Lukas en Job

maandag 11 februari 2008

Waiting waiting waiting

Hey there everyone,

Its also waiting for us, but we hope that it will come soon. Elin has had it with the belly, which I don`t understand. A belly is good to have, I have had mine for over 10 years now and I can`t imagine a life without it ;)
Tonight I will put some more new pictures on, the nature is beautiful here.

Elin & Job

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

....mmm, I am waiting for the new pics ;+) But honestly, I am even more looking forward to the pics of the Viking. Take care and enjoy some last days/ hours together ;+)! But you know what, it is even more enjoyable to be three ;+) xxx, sis

Anoniem zei

Jodeli, I will do my best to put some on tonight. Yesterday we went for a nice long walk and I made perfect spagetti. Then the belly was too full to get busy with pictures.
Hopefully the kleine will come online soon.
Xie viking bro