Welcome to the kleine viking

This is the blog where you will find pictures of us Lukas Bakker and Marius Bakker. Enjoy it all.

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Hilsen Elin, Lukas en Job

zaterdag 13 maart 2010

Already 2, the countdown to three has begon

You have those cold days with snow that you are just in need of an icecream.

First time in a Ballenbak and for Pappa it was also fun. Almost 25 years ago he was in one ;>

Playing with the big bus that I got from Opa en Oma.

Eijze, was here a whole week.

With gekke oome Jaap en Eijze to Legeland
The monkey him self. What a daredevil that Eijze.

I like to take it a bit relaxed, but lots of fun.

What a laugh.

Tante Lisa came just for my birthday and I had soo much fun with her. She is funny.

Eijze and I rented a hut on Orskog. Our daddies where also allowed to come. Really a mans weekend.

Waiting for the cake for uncle Jaap's birthday.

Lots and lots of snow

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